Sunday, September 4, 2016

Accept the unanswerable

Sometimes there are no answers,
Sometimes answers come with time,
Sometimes the answers can change,
Sometimes there are many answers to the same question,
And that's ok.

The sooner you accept that sometimes there are some things in this world that are unanswerable,
The sooner you will feel better about not having an answer,
The act of searching for the answers,
The actual journey to the answer,
The places it took you during the search,
The experiences you received from the search,
Can be the answer in itself.

Bask in the knowledge that we may know nothing,
It can makes life all the more interesting.

All answers are based on perception,
Know that your answers are not the same as others,
Be happy with your perception of your own answer,
Be happy your perception that their is no answer.

The journey of finding the answer...

may be just as important, if not more, than the answer itself...