Monday, January 30, 2017

Live as if you were in your living room

Live life as if you were in your living room,
Live life as if the whole world is your living room,
Treat everyone as if they were your family,
Treat everyone as if they were your closest friends.

If you see someone who seems interesting, go up to them, and say hello,
Go in for the hug, the kiss or whatever else,
As if you knew them for a very long time.

Be free, appreciate every aspect of your living room,
Greet people on the bus,
Go up to people on the street and give them a high five,
Smile at people for no reason,
That Smile may brighten their day.

There are no strangers in this world, only future friends and family.
Be comfortable everywhere, everyone is your friend.

Even if that little voice in your head says "No, it's weird” ven if that little voice in your head says “Don't do it, you will fail"
Do it anyways.
Show the voice that they are wrong,
Show the voices that you are truly free,
Show the voices that nothing can hold you back.

Even if you  fail,
Bask in knowing that you tried,
To try and fail is a better feeling than never having tried at all.

Be friendly to everyone, even if they reject you at first, Continue being friendly, they are just not used to it,
Even if they are never friendly back,
At least you tried.

Appreciate every aspect of your living room and all of your guests that are in it,
There is nothing to be afraid of,
Show your guests that there is nothing to fear,
Fear is scared,
Fear is your lover,
Show fear that you do not fear,
Show fear that there is much to love about your living room,
Teach your guests that it’s their living room too.

Love everything and everyone.

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